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Friday, May 31, 2013
This Week's Stories in the Distopia of Government Healthcare
California is making PPACA exchange plans look cheaper by removing the highest quality providers from your list of options: Blue Shield is only offering one-third of their normal providers in the exchange
Medical device manufacturers not paying their 'fair share' of health reform because they are behaving like businesses and passing increases on in their pricing
. (What in the world did the bureaucrats think they would do?)
Employers and other early retiree health care plan sponsors awaiting government payment from a health care reform law program are likely to be paid only a fraction of the $2.5 billion they are owed
America will face a shortfall of 150,000 doctors over the next 15 years primarily because Medicare (the largest purchaser of medical services) only pays 53% of a physician's actual costs and Medicaid pays even less
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