Under Obamacare so far, the individual market for insurance has grown by 2.2 million subscribers while the employer-based market has declined by 1.7 million for a net gain of only 500,000. The rest is due to the expansion of Medicaid.
California insurance renewals in 2015 will be at or near decade lows for two primary reasons: (1) Insurance companies are horrified to add fuel to Proposition 45 price-control push; and (2) Obamacare bailouts.
For the Obamacare insurer bailouts funded by the Transitional Reinsurance Fees baked into our healthplans to be "budget neutral", we would need 20% rate hikes. And politically, that is just not feasible. So we dig a deeper hole. (Our government originally promised us that this program would not just be budget neutral, but would reduce the federal debt).
Health-care insurance premiums for individuals in California rose between 22 percent and 88 percent in 2014. (Another reason they will be a near record lows in 2015).