Too often I witness potential clients and students gloss over COBRA compliance in the selection of a brokerage. That is a huge mistake as COBRA violations can mount quickly. And more often that not, employers are shocked at the errors made by brokers and/or administrators.
In this case, the employer, Brunel:
- failed to provide its employees with notice of their right to elect COBRA coverage when they first began participating in the plan;
- failed to provide notice of their right to continue coverage when their employment was terminated, which the plaintiffs argue was an event qualifying them for continued COBRA coverage; and
- under ARRA failed to offer a premium reduction to eligible individuals and failed to notify employees of their eligibility for premium reduction.
COBRA requires an employer to notify an eligible employee twice:
- first, when the employee begins participating in a group health plan; and
- second, when the employee notifies the employer that a qualifying event has occurred.
- $375,000 payout to nearly 70 class members (about $5,000 each);
- a $12,000 service award to the class representatives; and
- nearly $625,000 for attorney’s fees and other costs.
The case: Slipchenko v. Brunel Energy, Inc., 2015 WL 338358 (S.D. Tex., Jan. 23, 2015).